How Long After Bottling Beer Can I Drink It?

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Bottling is one of the final stages of making beer. After the beer has been through the fermentation process and has been transferred to a bottling vessel, it is time to get it into bottles so that you can enjoy it. So, how long after bottling beer can I drink it?

How Long After Bottling Beer Can I Drink It?

After bottling the beer, give it 2-3 weeks before drinking. This will ensure that the beer has had enough time to carbonate and is ready to drink. The sugar that was added during bottling will have time to ferment and create carbon dioxide gas, which gives beer its fizzy quality.

A person opening a bottle of beer using a bottle opener

Once this process is complete, your beer will be safe to drink. However, it is essential to note that some beers will benefit from aging. As beer ages, the flavors will begin to mellow and come together, creating a more complex and interesting flavor. If you are patient, you can age your beer for months or even years.

If you drink the beer too soon, it will be flat and not have the carbonation you are looking for. It is also important to note that your bottles could explode if you bottle your beer too early before all of the fermentation has been completed!

What You Need to Know When Bottling Your Beer

Brewers will tell you that bottling is one of the most exciting times during the brewing process. All of your hard work has finally paid off, and you get to drink the fruits of your labor.

However, proper sanitation is still key at this stage. Anytime you are dealing with beer, bacteria is always a concern. If your bottles are not properly sanitized, your beer could become infected, and no one wants to drink beer that has been contaminated!

Here are a few tips to remember when bottling your beer:

  • Make sure the best bottles you use are clean and sanitized before you start. This ensures you get rid of any bacteria that could ruin your beer.
  • Be careful when handling your bottles. Dropping them could cause them to break, and you don’t want glass shards in your beer!
  • Fill your bottles to the very top. Leaving too much headspace could result in oxidation, which will give your beer an off-flavor.
  • Do not over-tighten the bottle caps. This could cause them to break when you go to open the bottle. It’s advisable to invest in the best bottle capper for homebrewing.
  • Store your beer in a cool, dark place. Light and heat can cause your beer to skunk and spoil.

Do You Refrigerate Beer After Bottling?

It is not necessary to refrigerate your beer after bottling. In fact, it is best to store your beer at room temperature. Refrigeration will not hurt your beer, and it will not make it last longer. However, it can cause your beer to become “stale” tasting sooner than if it were stored at room temperature.

A person opening a bottle of beer

You need to remember that after bottling, fermentation is still taking place. The yeast is still working on eating the sugar and creating carbon dioxide gas. If you store your beer in the fridge, this process will slow down, and your beer will take longer to carbonate.

Therefore, it is best to store your beer at room temperature (65-70 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal) and from direct sunlight. Once your beer has had a chance to carbonate, you can then move it to the fridge if you’d like.

What Should You Do if Your Beer Doesn’t Carbonate?

A beer needs to have carbon dioxide gas dissolved in it to be carbonated. This gas is produced during fermentation when the yeast eats the sugar. If your beer does not have enough carbon dioxide, it will be flat.

There are a few things that could cause your beer not to carbonate:

  • Not enough time has passed. Remember, it takes 2-3 weeks for the beer to carbonate properly. Be patient!
  • The yeast has died. This can happen if you bottle your beer too early or if your bottles are not properly sanitized.
  • There was not enough sugar added during bottling. This sugar is food for the yeast, and without it, the yeast will not be able to produce carbon dioxide.
  • The bottles are not airtight. If there are leaks in the bottles, the carbon dioxide will escape, and your beer will not be carbonated.

If you find that your beer has not carbonated after a few weeks, you can try re-bottling it. This process is called “priming.” Simply add a small amount of sugar to a gallon of beer and bottle it as usual. The yeast will consume the sugar and produce carbon dioxide, which will carbonate your beer.

A person opening a bottle of beer using a bottle opener

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Drink My Homebrew Early?

Yes, you can drink your homebrew early. However, it will not be fully carbonated, and it will not taste as good as it will after it has had a chance to age.

How Long Does Homemade Beer Last?

Homemade beer will last for several months as long as it is stored properly. Be sure to store your beer in a cool, dark place to prevent beer from skunking or spoiling.


As you can see, a few things will affect how long you have to wait to drink your beer. However, you should generally expect to wait at least two weeks after bottling before your beer is ready to enjoy your beer!