How Much Protein Is There in Beer?

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Beer is the most popular drink in the world. It’s made by the fermentation of grain, which contains barley. As a result, beer is a good source of protein. So, as a beer enthusiast, you need to know how much protein is there in beer to maintain your protein intake.

How Much Protein Is There in Beer?

There are 0.5 grams of protein in every 100 grams of beer. This means approximately 1.7 grams of protein in 12 ounces of beer, or two-thirds of a gram per ounce. However, the amount of protein in the drink can vary depending on the brewing process and ingredients. For example, some beers are made with wheat, which has more protein than barley.

An image of a man looking how much protein in beer

You can see the amount of protein is small, and it is not a good source of protein. If you want more protein from your drink, you should consider adding nuts or seeds to your diet. This will help you to reach your recommended daily intake of protein.

You can also infuse other flavors into your beer to add more protein. For example, you can add chocolate or peanut butter to your beer. This will add more protein and make your beer more enjoyable. However, you should be aware that these additions will also increase the calorie content of your beer.

Methods of Determining Protein in Beer

Whether you are a beer lover or just a brewer, you should know the protein level in your drink. This will allow you to make informed decisions about your diet and ensure you get the right amount of protein. The following are some ways you can know the protein level in your drink.

Looking at the Label

The label is the first place to look when you want to know the protein content in any drink. Brewers must list the ingredients used to make the beer on the label. This includes the malt, hops, and yeast. The label will also show the alcohol by volume (ABV) and the calories per serving.

The protein is usually listed in grams per 100 grams (g/100g) or milligrams per 100 milliliters (mg/100mL). For example, if the protein is 1.7g/100mL, there are 1.7 grams of protein in every 100 milliliters of beer.

If you don’t understand how to read the label, you can always ask the brewer or bartender for help. They should be able to tell you the protein content of the alcohol. This way, you will make an informed decision about your beer consumption.

Using Absorbance Spectroscopy

This is a common method used by brewers to determine the protein level. In this method, a beer sample is placed in a cuvette and a spectrophotometer. The absorbance of the beer is then measured at 280 nm.

The protein level is calculated using the formula: Protein (g/L) = A * 10, where A is the absorbance at 280 nm. This method is accurate and easy to use. However, it requires a spectrophotometer, which may be hard to get.

Most brewers always take a sample of the wort before fermentation to know how much protein is in the wort. This information is essential to determine the efficiency of the brewing process and the quality of the final product.

Using the Kjeldahl Method

The Kjeldahl method is commonly used to determine the protein content in food and beverages. In this method, the sample is placed in a Kjeldahl flask and is heated to break down the proteins into amino acids. The amino acids are then converted into ammonium sulfate.

The protein is then calculated by multiplying the ammonium sulfate by a conversion factor. It is one of the most accurate methods for determining the protein in beer. Also, this method can be used to determine the protein content of other food and beverages.

An image of two men looking for the label of beer

Benefits of Protein in Beer

Protein is an important macronutrient that the body needs for various functions. Some of the benefits of protein include:

  • It helps to build and repair muscles by providing the amino acids needed for muscle growth.
  • It helps to maintain a healthy immune system by producing antibodies that fight infection.
  • Protein can also help to regulate metabolism and hormone levels.
  • It can also help to prevent weight gain by increasing satiety and reducing hunger.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Infuse Flavors Into Your Beer to Increase the Protein Content?

Yes, you can add chocolate or peanut butter to your beer. This will add more protein and make your beer more enjoyable. However, you should be aware that these additions will also increase the calorie content of your beer.

What Beer Has Highest Protein?

The beer with the highest protein content is Barbell Brew. It has 6.6 grams of protein per 12-ounce serving. This beer is designed for people looking to increase their protein intake.


There are many ways to know the protein level in alcohol. The most important thing is to choose a method that is convenient for you and one that you can understand to regulate your beer consumption. You can increase or decrease your protein intake by choosing the right beer. Cheers!