How Many Ounces in a Tall Boy?

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How many ounces are in a tallboy? This is one of the daily questions that bother many of us, and thankfully, I have the answer. Most of us are familiar with the term “tall boy,” even if I don’t know what it means.

How Many Ounces Are in a Tall Boy?

There are 16 ounces in a typical tall boy can. This measurement is also sometimes called a “pint.” Tall boys are cans used for beers and energy drinks made of aluminum or steel, with steel preferred due to its durability, and are typically sold in a six-pack, four-pack, or two-pack cartons.

An image of a can and glass of beer

Many breweries are using these 16-ounce cans instead of bottles because they are more cost-effective and lighter. It is the perfect size for drinkers who want to get drunk quickly because it has more alcohol than the standard 12-ounce beer can.

What Is a Tall Boy?

A tall boy is a container that holds 16 ounces of beer. It is named for its difference in height to other beer cans. Tall boys are becoming increasingly popular, and you can find them in most liquor stores.

Tall boy is one of the largest types of beer cans. These cans are approximately one pint (16 ounces) and are ideal for long trips and campfires. The shape of the can makes it easy to hold, as it has a broad base and a narrow top.

The History of the Tall Boy

The canning of beverages started in the early 1800s, and the first cans were made of wrought iron. The popularity of tall boys began to grow in the 1940s when they were used for military rations. In the 1970s, American brewers started using taller cans to differentiate their products from foreign beers.

After this, many brewers followed suit, and the popularity of tall boys increased. Today, they are a common sight at sporting events and concerts worldwide.

Whether you’re in the mood for a light beer or something with more of a kick, the tall boy is a good choice. With its broad base and narrow top, it’s easy to hold, and its size makes it a great drink for any occasion.

What Are the Benefits of a Tall Boy?

The tall boy is popular due to its distinct advantages, including:

A can of beer on a sand
  • Reducing transportation costs: The shape allows for a higher density of packaging and, therefore, a larger number of containers to be put on pallets. As well as fit more containers in trucks, thus reducing transportation costs.
  • It is easier to make and fill: The cylindrical form makes it easier to manufacture than other can shapes, such as stubby cans. The taller profile means that less foam is created when filling the container, making the process efficient and cost-effective.
  • Easier to label and decorate than stubby cans or bottles: The cylindrical shape of the container makes it easier for labels or decorations to be applied across the entire surface area of the can.

How Many Calories Are in a Tall Boy?

There is no straight answer about how many calories are in a tall boy. The number of calories in a beer can vary based on the brand, type of beer, and other factors. However, most light beers contain about 100-120 calories per twelve ounces.

Heavier beers will have more calories, and generally speaking, the larger the can, the more calories it will contain.

A person holding a can of beer

Related Questions

What Is The Average Price Of Tall Boys?

The average price of the tall boy beer can range from $2.50 to $4.75. The price depends on the brand, type of beverage, and whether it is a premium beverage.

What Makes Tall Boys So Ideal?

People can choose from different price ranges depending on their location and brand of choice. Tall boys are affordable, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective than glass bottles. There is no need to purchase disposable water bottles.


A tall boy beer can be the perfect addition to a party or even for just watching a sports game. It’s easy to drink, and you don’t have to worry about spilling. Many breweries produce tall boys, which are sixteen ounce tall cans, prevalent in bars, restaurants, and other establishments.